Floating Contained Aquaculture

Evolution in Aquaculture.

The aquaculture industry in Scotland creates many jobs in rural areas and generates significant revenue for the Scottish economy, however, environmental concerns and animal welfare issues continue to detract from the positive benefits associated with the production of farmed fish, the fastest growing source of high protein food worldwide.

Whilst the industries detractors are rightly concerned over current farming practices, the industry is here to stay, but will gradually evolve as technical innovation offers an opportunity to introduce new designs which will address current problems and allow environmentally sustainable expansion.

The development of contained aquaculture is increasingly recognised as the way forward and with a track recaord of award winning technical innovation, Aqua Innovations has designs for both floating and fixed contained systems which will take aquaculture in a completely new direction.

Watch this space.

For all enquiries regarding the Floating Contained Aquaculture, please get in touch.